andai kau sudi

Sunday, December 19, 2010


Assalamualaikum W.B.T....
  Alhamdulillah... After having such long thought on blogging, I decided to make one. This would be an interesting start for me since I don't really write. However I'll try to do my best in updating my blog and as a new comer, I really need your support and help. lupe lak nak introduce myself. bleh tengok profile je. juz want all of you to know that saya ni pelajar IPG Kampus Pendidikan Islam dalam course TESL..aiseh..jadi guru BI le jawabnye... IPIS mmg seronok and i juz can't help falling in love with IPIS..InsyaAllah, saya akan story lbh bnyk sal IPIS in my next post. Well, that was just the intro! Meh ramai2 kunjungi blog ni! You'll know me better! They are more stories to come.  So, juz get ready kerana saya mmg agak terkenal dgn tulisan2 yg berbisa dan menyengat.....(harap boleh berfikiran terbuka time bce sesetgh post)   Akhir kalam, ampun dan maaf atas segala kesilapan atau kekasaran bahasa..Saya hanya manusia biasa yang sering cuba untuk memperbaiki diri...Doakan saya menjadi muslimah sejati..Syukran..Barakallah..Wassalam..

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